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Creepiest Spots in Mexico City

Humans have developed a fascination for things we cannot explain. Our nature is to reason, that is what separates us from the animal kingdom.How do you explain that feeling that bristles the hair on the back of our neck? The alarm goes off, your heart starts beating quickly, your senses sharpen, your legs are ready to run and yet we always want to know more.

Mexico City hosts some of the spookiest places. Although the main characters have gone to the other world, their stories are still being told and it is said that they continue wandering among its walls and streets leaving traces impossible to erase.

Dare to take a walk through the city and learn about its mysterious stories.

The Black House

The mansion is a construction from Porfirio´s era and it is located at #191 Alvaro Obregón. The Colonia Roma is one of the oldest neighborhoods in downtown México. Originally was populated by mansions owned by rich families. In 1935 it was a shelter for Typhoid patients which were secluded inside the mansion to avoid contagion, also because the disease was demonized during this period. One unfortunate night, a scared mob closed its doors and lighted the house on fire killing everyone inside including nurses and doctors. Years later it was bought by the Mondragon family whose bodies were found dead holding each other.

The dismal house is the perfect place to crash for those in need, however, nobody can spend a whole night in this horrid place. Neighbors and vendors affirm that after 10 pm the temperatures go down; the doors slam, voices can be heard cursing and invisible hands push you around to get you out of the house! If you want to see the inside of the house, you can book a tour. Dinner and a scare?

The Island of the dolls

The island is located south of the city in the Xochimilco Aztec Canal. Its name comes from Don Julián Santana Barrera, who lived on the island for more than 50 years growing and selling plants locally.

The story goes like this:  Don Julián found a little girl drowning, he tried to save her, but she was gone and right next to her body, the child's doll was floating.

Don Julián felt sympathy and hung the doll on a tree as a tribute. Shortly after, he started hearing voices, it is said it was the girl´s spirit who followed him for the rest of this life. He started to collect dolls and hanging them all over the island to keep the girl happy. Don Julián used to say the dolls were possessed and came to live with him and even talked to him. In 2001, the island taker´s body was found floating in the same place where he found the little girl years back.

It is not easy to get to the island, but this is not an obstacle for the thousands of tourists who are attracted by its magic. Up to this day, the locals are sure the island is haunted. Some even say they have seen dolls open and closing their eyes.

Hospital de Jesús

This is the first hospital found in America, located at Av. 20 de Noviembre 82,  historic center, a few steps next to the Zócalo. It was founded in 1524 by Hernán Cortés whose remains rest in the hospital´s temple under a big plate decorating the altar.

Those walls have witnessed the loss of thousands of lives due to a smallpox epidemic. During the inquisition, it was forbidden to perform autopsies however the hospital ignored the religious prejudice even though its practice was punishable by death.

During this period, punishments were cruel and relentless, but because the hospital was never owned by the clergy and always attached (involved) in science, it managed to keep its autonomy to continue treating victims of torture and war. This Avant-garde institution hosted the first surgeries within the American Continent.

The iconic building keeps an immaculate baroque style and it has been opened to the public for more than 500 years.  Both patients and staff swear to have seen a nurse walking through the halls with clothes of other times.  Her nickname is “La Planchada” (the ironed) because she always wears a white nurse uniform perfectly ironed. Her name was Eulalia, she fell in love with a doctor who left her for another woman. Eulalia turned very cruel with her coworkers and patients, at the end of her life she repented and swore to always take care of patients to make up for her sins. Many patients in a critical stage have said they were cared for by La Planchada.  It’s as if the past and the present lived in the same place somewhere in the daily routine.


The secrets buried with our ancestors revealed our macabre side. During (1486-1502), in the old Tenochtitlan under the reign of “Ahuizotl” the fourth Mexica ruler, human sacrifices were offered to the god Huitzilopochtli.

In 1991, one of the most significative archeological findings took place under the foundations of a Colonial house in the historic center located in Guatemala 24.

After hiding for centuries, it came to light one of the greatest symbolic monuments for the Mexica culture: “The Tzompantli”.

In the heart of the historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage Site where the conquistadors demolished the Aztec capital to build the seat of their empire, a circular structure exposed its terrors.  It was made out of human skulls from young men who were warriors captured in battle or lost the sacred ball game. Women skulls, which reinforces the fact that women were also warriors and a couple child skulls all from different Mesoamerican regions were also found. The skulls are deformed and present dental mutilations. Such skulls were impaled in rows to create a round formation. They were glued with lime, sand and a porous, highly oxidized, volcanic rock used extensively in construction in Mexico called “Tezontle”. Giving an extra creepy reddish color due to iron oxide.

The Templo Mayor Museum is located downtown Mexico City at the great Tenochtitlan pyramid ruins and it allows you to take a trip down the guts of the old Aztec city underneath the actual one. You can visit the Tzompantli and learn more about the old Aztec culture its terrors and glory.

Day of the Dead

And last but not less, the Day of the Death on November 2nd is one of the most important prehispanic celebrations. On this day people honor their dead loved ones with symbolic offerings to help them during their trip from and to the other side.

The parade will be held on October 27th, 2018  4-8 pm from Reforma to Zócalo, this is a must.

On this day some locals go the cemeteries to bring food, light and other symbolic offerings for their loved ones. Some of them even have live concerts celebrating the life and the dead coming together. Some of the oldest cemeteries in Mexico City are San Fernando, Pantheon Español, Jardin and  Dolores, in this last one some the most popular Mexican actors, singers, and artists such as Diego Rivera are buried.

Dive into the day of the dead experience by booking your cemetery tour before it's sold out.